LaunchBot helps ethical businesses, climate organisations and community initiatives grow sustainably, so you can do more good in the world.
Web, SEO, analytics, and social media can help grow your movement with ease - but it's not necessarily where you want to put your time, energy and resources.
LaunchBot helps you focus your promotion on the people and places that have the most impact. Spend less time and money marketing, and grow your movement into a thriving sustainable initiative.
LaunchBot helps you automatically maximize your impact, so you can get back to focusing on the work you're passionate about.
Log in with the email address you use to access your Google Analytics, and get insights to boost your conversions in minutes.
Try for freeGrow Your Impact With Smart Tools
Your Info
Your website already has all the data you need to drive better decisionmaking.
LaunchBot helps you access your data in a way that's understandable and easy to action.
Your Reach
Learn who engages best with your project, and let more people like them hear about your idea.
Grow your impact with smart tools by getting the word out there to the people who make the most difference.
Your Impact
Growing your supporter base grows your impact.
LaunchBot lets you spend less time and money growing your idea, freeing up resources to get back to the important work.
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